Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Community came to be in 1979 after a group of Catholic families petitioned the Diocese of Richmond to establish a parish in Greene County, VA. Bishop Walter F. Sullivan gave his approval in January, 1980 and the first mass was celebrated in the Old Ruckersville Elementary School on February 17, 1980. At first, mass was celebrated on a monthly basis supported by local priests until later that year when Fr. Thomas Reardon was named our first pastor and Mass was celebrated weekly. The name "Shepherd of the Hills" was chosen to reflect the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains on our horizon.
In October 1981, the Diocese purchased a home and five acres of land in the Quinque section of Greene County and Shepherd of the Hills had a place to put down roots. In short order the house was remodeled into a comfortable worship space for the 120 registered members. From the beginning, membership at Shepherd of the Hills has been a “hands-on” experience. The altar and presiders chair were lovingly and beautifully made by Joseph Ference, which started the tradition of using parishioner skills to make what we need. Bishop Sullivan came and celebrated the Rite of Dedication on February 7, 1982.
In 1998, when the Parish decided it needed to accommodate the growing flock, architect and parishioner Cliff Walcutt stepped up to design the new worship space. The plans were approved in October 2001 and in April 2002, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new building. Bishop Sullivan dedicated the new church building on November 2, 2003. The original church now serves as our Parish Center and Social Hall where we hold our Religious Education classes, potluck dinners, parties or you can stop by for a cup of coffee after Mass!