Dear Friends,
Welcome to the celebration of the First Sunday of Lent. On Ash Wednesday, we embarked on our Lenten journey of 40 days that will bring us to the celebration of the Passion, death and glorious resurrection of Jesus- Easter joy.
The act of sharing ashes on our forehead is symbol of humility and readiness to embrace the invitation of Jesus inviting everyone to walk the way of the cross – a way to victory over sin.
We were reminded of the importance of the internal disposition of the heart when at prayer, almsgiving and fasting. These activities must never be done as a showoff or seeking the attention of people or else all will be hypocrisy.
Let us resolve this time of Lent to embrace Scripture reading and meditation. Let us make an effort to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist as well as being generous and compassionate to the people around us. Let us also endeavor to pray the beautiful devotion of the Stations of the Cross.
The Gospel Reading of this Sunday is taken from Luke 4: 1-13 relates the temptation of Jesus by the devil after his Baptism in the Jordan waters. Jesus had spent 40 days and nights in the desert in prayer as a preparation for the public ministry and mission of redemption to mankind- through his passion, death and eventual resurrection.
The devil tempted Jesus to use his power to appease his hunger. The other temptation was about power; Satan to offer all kingdoms of the world to Jesus if He worship him. The other temptation was if Jesus’ trust in God’s protection.
Jesus came out as a victor in all the temptations because he focused on doing the will of His Father.
We equally need as disciples of Jesus to trust in God for our spiritual and material needs. We must have faith in God. Though the devil departed for the time from Jesus, the same devil features at the garden in Gethsemane and on the cross when the criminal challenged him.
Have a great week and God bless. Have a fruitful Lent.
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