Dear Friends,
Welcome to the celebration of the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary time and the Second Sunday in the month of February. Last Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus into the Temple by Joseph and Mary as a requirement for all first-born male child. After the resurrection, Jesus replaces the Temple as the center and focus of worship.
The Readings of this Sunday in particular the Gospel is about the call of Simon Peter and his partners in business; James and John from the fishing trade to being fishers of men or souls for salvation.
Before this incident and turning point in his life, Peter had encountered the healing of his mother- in law from the fever after curing a man possessed by the devil in Capernaum.
In the Gospel of Luke 5: 1-11 Jesus borrows the boat of Peter and teaches the crowds as from a pulpit to the people ashore. Jesus goes on to instruct Peter after preaching to the people, to lower the fishing nets into the deep waters.
Simon Peter despite his fishing experience and knowledge obeys Jesus. He throws the net into the deep waters.
Peter is astonished by the big catch of fish. He signals James and John to bring in another boat which is filled to the brim with fish. Peter calls Jesus “Master.” Recognizing the authority of Jesus.
Jesus’ presence creates an abundance out of scarcity as was the case at the wedding in Cana. This abundance is witnessed by James and John.
Jesus gives Simon Peter a new job. He will no longer catch fish but people.
Jesus promises Peter to lead others or his brothers with a mission of bringing all to salvation. This is the role of discipleship and mission of the Church.
We are told after the miraculous catch of fish, Peter, James and John left everything behind and followed Jesus. What do I have to leave behind or detach myself from in order to follow Jesus?
Have a great week and God bless.
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